A shock was felt through the village of Halton and the district when it became known that nurse Edith Smith had passed away about Sunday morning. The nurse had only been in the district about six months but during that period she had made many friends. The deceased lady had an interesting personality. She was actually Britain's first policewoman, being sworn in on the strength of the Grantham borough force in Lincolnshire. In connection with police duties she travelled the country, and on one occasion struggled with soldier was attempting to cut his throat on Euston station, London.
Whilst in the north, on one occasion she occupied the pulpit at a nonconformist church and gave a "straight talk" to an adult congregation.
On coming to this district to work for the Halton and District nursing Association she found that the funds were in a very low water, and immediately set about to improve the position. She gave several interesting lectures, organised whist drives, and even formed and conducted shorthand classes-- all to aid the funds of the Association. Into the nursing side of the work she entered enthusiastically and as efficiently. She assisted in connecting with St Edward's Roman Catholic Church, Runcorn, and the postman, who discovered her lying unconscious, was delivering to her a dress to be worn at the carnival tomorrow. She seemed to excel in everything she attempted. She could play a very vigourous game of tennis and quite recently a billiard handicap in Runcorn. She was also a pianist and the possessor of a beautiful voice. At house parties she showed accomplishment in all kinds of indoor games. She seemed to possess unlimited energy and to add to her many interests she recently obtained a knitting machine so that she could make stockings from wool supplied by the villagers, making a small charge for the benefit of the nursing Association. As a result of her work the Association is now in a happy financial position.
The funeral took place at Halton yesterday.
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